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The MReport Webcast: Thursday 3/19/2015

Fannie Mae released its first quarter 2015 Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey on Wednesday, revealing mortgage lenders outlook towards lending activities and market expectation is improving.  Compared to the first and fourth quarter of last year, results show more lenders expect mortgage demand and their profit margin to grow over the next three months. Of the senior mortgage executives surveyed, 69 percent said they felt the economy was on the right track.

The share of lenders' outlook on profit margins has improved significantly since last year. Over 40 percent of the share of institutions believes profit margins will increase in the next 3 months, an increase of almost double the amount surveyed this time last year. About 13 percent surveyed profits would increase in the fourth quarter of 2014. About 50 percent of the share thought profits will stay about the same, and 10 percent thought profits will decrease.

The Five Star Institute President and CEO Ed Delgado announced at the Five Star Government Forum in Washington, D.C., that the Institute would be partnering with the nation's leading online real estate marketplace, Auction.com, and national nonprofit Operation Homefront in support of a home donation program that provides mortgage-free homes to veterans. Five Star has partnered with various non-profit organizations over the last four years to provide approximately $4 millionworth of homes to service members.