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New Paradigm In Mortgage Lending – Cinelli, CEO of PRIMARQ – Nov 13,2013

[ca_audio url_mp3='http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/5/659/show_5659991.mp3' css_class='codeart-google-mp3-player' autoplay='false' download='false' html5='false']Crowd-funding is the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. PRIMARQ is a capital market system that uses equity share finance to achieve two ends: first, to allow a person to become a homeowner of a property that otherwise would have been difficult or impossible to attain and second, to provide a platform whereby investors can gain exposure to the residential real estate asset class. PRIMARQ brings fresh
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