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Clayton Holdings Receives Morningstar Vendor Rankings

Clayton Holdings LLC [1], a provider of loan due diligence, surveillance, REO management, consulting, valuation, title and settlement services to the mortgage industry, announced today that its subsidiaries Red Bell Real Estate [2], LLC (Red Bell) and Main Street Valuations, LLC d/b/a Pyramid Platform [3] (Pyramid Platform) have received their first residential vendor rankings from Morningstar Credit Ratings [4], LLC (Morningstar). Red Bell was assigned a MOR RV1 residential vendor ranking in the asset valuation market and Pyramid Platform received a MOR RV1 ranking as a real estate technology solutions provider.

Red Bell is a salt Lake City-based provider of valuation products, including automated valuation models and broker price opinions used by major investors, lenders and loan servicers. Pyramid Platform offers  technology solutions that help investors monitor loan portfolio performance and direct loss mitigation activities; acquire and track non-performing loans; and value and sell real estate owned through a secure platform.

“We are extremely pleased with Morningstar’s assessment of Pyramid Platform’s SAAS delivery platform and Red Bell’s core, leading-edge pricing products and real estate solutions,” said Jeff Jonas, President of Red Bell. “Continued support from two financially strong companies committed to the real estate and mortgage markets—Clayton and Radian—allows us to continue to expand our operations and to develop game-changing innovations that provide our clients with best-in-class service and results.”