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BankersLab Launches Gamified Training App for iOS

A month after launching the product on Google play, ""BankersLab"":http://www.bankerslab.com/ announced the release of its Banc-it: Scoring Edition app for iOS, a gamified app that helps train retail banking professionals on their smartphones.


Banc-it: Scoring Edition is an app designed to reinforce technical concepts and terminology related to credit scoring data, usage, model development, and monitoring. It allows users to study at their own convenience, increasing the expertise of banking professionals.

""Mobile learning provides a unique platform to engage, educate and support retail banking professionals. We wanted to create learning tools that were not only highly effective, but also addictive and fun,"" said BankersLab COO Gail Galuppo. ""The result was Banc-it: Scoring Edition, an app that challenges bankers to test their knowledge of credit scoring--anywhere, at any time.""

The app costs $4.99 and is available through ""iTunes"":https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/bancit-scoring/id599922020?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2 and ""Google play"":https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bankerslab.scoring&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5iYW5rZXJzbGFiLnNjb3JpbmciXQ.