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Lock-In Effect Keeping Home Prices Elevated

It’s no secret that the price of nearly everything has increased as of late due to inflation, interest rates, or both—this includes homebuyer’s monthly payments which hit $2,605 per month by the end of July, up 19% by down a meager $32 from July 2022. 

According to Redfin, housing payments remain historically high due to elevated mortgage rates, as weekly mortgage rates stood at 6.9% while the median home-price sale is up 3.2% year-over-year, the biggest increase since last November. 

Yet, home prices are increasing due to the mismatch between supply and demand, as inventory remains low due to the lock-in effect. The total number of homes for sale is down 19%, the biggest drop in a year and a half, and new listings are down 21%. 

Other leading indicators of homebuying activity, as highlighted by Redfin includes: