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Industry Veterans Launch New Homeowner Alliance

The industry has a new national group dedicated to serving as the voice for homeowners, and membership is now officially open.


Billing itself as the first group of its kind, America's Homeowner Alliance was launched by a team of industry veterans and an advisory board of housing industry professionals as well as prominent consumer groups and fair housing organizations. Its mission is to protect and promote sustainable homeownership for all segments of America, from existing homeowners to those aspiring to purchase a house.

""In terms of public policy, America's homeowners have never had a collective voice of their own to promote their best interests. It's time to take America's homeowners off the menu and give them a seat at the table,"" said Phil Bracken, Alliance chairman and founder.

Bracken is an industry veteran of more than 35 years and has received numerous awards, including the National Association of Real Estate Brokers' Eagle Award and the [COLUMN_BREAK]

Mortgage Bankers Association's Andrew Woodward Distinguished Service Award--its highest honor.

Also leading the group are Tino Diaz, former chairman of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals; Armando Falcon, former director of the Office of Federal Housing Oversight; and Joe Murin, former Ginnie Mae president. Diaz serves as the alliance's president, while Falcon and Murin are among its advisory board members.

""We will focus on examining the policies of both government and private entities so that we can serve as an 'ombudsman' for homeowners, providing protection from abusive or bad practices in the marketplace,"" Diaz said. ""And as an added bonus, Alliance members will have the opportunity to enjoy retail and rewards-based purchasing benefits providing discounts on everyday products that are important to homeowners.""

For $20 per year, member homeowners will receive access to a rewards purchasing program with more than 1,000 retail outlets, including Home Depot, Lowes, and Sears.

On a larger scale, the alliance's first goals include defending the mortgage interest deduction, preserving low down payment mortgages, ensuring finance availability for responsible consumers, and encouraging more private capital in the industry, among others.

""With the support, encouragement and endorsement of individual homeowners, assistance from major consumer groups, diverse segment real estate groups and many other organizations, America's Homeowner Alliance has launched today to serve as the profound voice for sustainable homeownership and will continue to do so for years to come,"" Bracken said.