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Patton Boggs to Welcome Back Former Partner

""Patton Boggs"":http://www.pattonboggs.com/ is welcoming back a former partner, announcing that Todd R. Harrison has rejoined the firm's litigation and dispute resolution practice group.


Harrison is headed back to Patton Boggs after departing in 2011 to serve as chief counsel for oversight and investigations on the energy and commerce committee for the U.S. House of Representatives.


Having previously been a partner at Patton Boggs from 2008 to 2011, Harrison has extensive experience in Congressional investigations, compliance matters, and complex civil litigation. During his lengthy career, Harrison has handled many complex and high-profile matters involving a wide range of federal and state crimes, including cases involving insider trading, securities violations, bank fraud, mortgage fraud, bankruptcy fraud, terrorist financing, and murder and public corruption.

While performing as chief counsel to the energy and commerce committee, Harrison was responsible for leading investigations into diverse issues covered by the committee's broad area of jurisdiction, such as energy and power, health care, telecommunications, and manufacturing and trade. Harrison has also guided numerous companies through regulatory investigations by state and federal agencies.

Marking a professional milestone, Harrison led the Congressional investigation into the failure of ""Solyndra"":http://www.solyndra.com/, which sought to hold the solar energy company accountable for its loss of more than $500 million dollars in taxpayer funds.