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2023 Migration Patterns Revealed

United Van Lines MovingAs one of the nation's largest residential movers, Atlas Van Lines has unique internal data that can accurately track the migration patterns of people moving within the country. 

It’s year-end Annual Migration Patterns Study examines where its customers moved to and from during the 2023 calendar year. 

Following several years of unprecedented and unpredictable changes in the economy, housing market, and job market, Atlas’ study provides unique insights into customers’ interstate, cross-border, and international moves. Atlas has published its migration patterns study since 1993, with 2023 marking its 30th annual study tracking moving habits and preferences based on internal data. 

Atlas Van Lines’ stats correlate with some national data such as high inbound rates to hot housing markets in Maine and New Hampshire, as well as states that are good for business, including Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington. However, many of the country’s most affordable states have seen high rates of outbound moves, particularly in the Midwest, such as Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Ohio. 

The 10 U.S. states with the highest percentage of inbound and outbound moves in 2023 are included below in order of highest inbound and highest outbound rates. North Carolina and Maine remain top-desired states from 2022 with New Hampshire making the largest jump from 10th to third. Pennsylvania’s rate of outbound moves dramatically increased in 2023, as did Oregon’s. Meanwhile, the exodus from Indiana has seemed to slow, although it remains high on the outbound list. 

Inbound 2023 Top 10 

Outbound 2023 Top 10 

 to view Atlas Van Lines study in its entirety.