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NTC: Regulatory Challenges Offer Opportunity

While many banks and lending institutions are apprehensive about the waves of compliance challenges coming in, Palm Harbor's ""Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc."":http://www.nwtc.com/ (NTC), says the smartest companies are using regulatory changes as a springboard to grow.


""All companies in the mortgage industry are in the same boat, but few are using the regulatory onslaught to become more competitive,"" said NTC CEO John Hillman. ""By taking advantage of the changes rather than resisting them, companies can succeed in turning a risk into a benefit. Generating a better understanding of industry regulations is the key to maintaining proper processes.""

According to Hillman, one of the best ways to stay on top of regulatory issues is to focus on education, including pushing for continual employee training and attending industry conferences and workshops throughout the year.

In addition to espousing greater understanding of compliance issues, NTC also has worked closely for years with many of the country's leading mortgage lenders and servicers to standardize the mortgage assignment document process. The company also maintains a long-held practice of being stringently audited under new vendor management rules set by enforcement actions and the National Mortgage Settlement.


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